Discussion Questions

  • What’s your favourite food?
  • What’s your least favourite food?
  • Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods?
  • Do you prefer fruits or vegetables?
  • How many portions fruit and vegetables do you have a day?
  • Do you like cheese?
  • What did you have for dinner last night?
  • Are you allergic to any foods?
  • What kind of restaurant do you like to go to for a meal?
  • When at home, do you sit at the table or do you have a tray on your knee which you eat your meals from?  
  • How many meals a day do you have?
  • How do you make Yorkshire puddings?
  • Do you prefer tea or coffee?
  • What is your kettle like? What shape, colour, style?
  • Would you prefer fizzy or still cold drinks?
  • Do you drink water?
  • How many drinks a day do you have?
  • Do you take a drink to bed with you at night?
  • Have you ever used a teas-maid?